Assistant in Nursing

- Name: Shahira
- Job: Assistant in Nursing
- Location: Ipswich, QLD
"I love how the team comes together."
Why did you choose this field of work/job?
My interest in working in healthcare arises from the fact that my parents are both medical professionals. From a young age, they have inspired me to appreciate the importance of health and wellbeing, whilst making a positive difference to people’s lives. This traineeship/course provided me with an amazing opportunity to achieve my future career ambition of becoming a Registered Nurse.
What tasks does your job include? What do you love about your job the most?
My job as an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) entails numerous duties and is very diverse. I am placed into different wards which handle different types of patients. For example surgical, medical, rehabilitation, acute, and palliative care to name a few. As an AIN, I am responsible for maintaining the patient’s activities of daily living. This includes managing personal hygiene, providing showers and bed baths, assisting them with food and fluids, making their bed, assisting with their mobility and communicating with patients effectively.
Being able to work within a multidisciplinary team whilst supporting the patient is definitely the best part of my job. I love how the team comes together to provide for the patient’s mental and physical needs. It is a tremendously rewarding feeling being able to contribute to the patient’s treatment and rehabilitation plan.
What was your study journey to get this job?
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service offered a school-based traineeship to obtain a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance and a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance over one year. I was in Year 11 at the time.
To apply, I had to complete an application addressing my interest towards this traineeship and provide a resume. On completion of this, I attended a team building exercise (group interview) and an aptitude test which involved students from other schools. I was then short listed and selected to do a one on one interview. Finally, I was 1 out of 14 students selected for this traineeship!
To me personally, the application process was a bit challenging, but was definitely character building.
The course/traineeship involves working clinically at a hospital and attending TAFE for theory. My course supervisor provided wonderful guidance and organised our work schedules around school. I’m extremely grateful and thankful to have had that support from her over the year.
What are your future plans for work and study?
My future plans for work and study involve applying for a Bachelor’s degree in nursing or a dual degree in nursing and midwifery. I hope to continue working as an Assistant in Nursing whilst completing my studies as a university student.
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
As a young, impressionable student, being exposed to the field of health care can be confronting, but very rewarding. Knowing that I work within a safe and supportive environment, whilst promoting the health and wellbeing of patients, helps to ensure that I can also ask if I ever need assistance with my duties. Dealing with sick clients can also sometimes be challenging but being able to be actively involved within their healing process outweighs any challenge with satisfaction.
Applying for a traineeship will not only prepare you for future work pathways but allow you to make a difference to someone’s life. If you are passionate about health and working with others, this is the right course for you!