Health Career Spotlight
The below videos cast a spotlight on the journeys and experiences of five health professionals working in different aspects of health and provide insights into their day-to-day duties, career pathways and their personal views on the positive and negative attributes of their work.
We would like to acknowledge St Ursula’s College, Yeppoon for developing and sharing the below #healthcareerspotlight series.
Part 1
Part 2
Patient Journey Videos
The below videos outlines the journeys of individuals seeking care within our health system. They also highlight the different health professionals and job roles that a patient interacts with through their journey of care. Remember, healthcare is more than just doctors and nurses!
Geraldine - Aged Care Resident
Sumiko - Mum-to-be
Harry - Knee Replacement Surgery
Virtual Reality Experiences
The following videos developed by Connect N Grow allow students to gain an initial understanding about the day-to-day duties certain healthcare professionals undertake in their jobs. It also allows you to view the environment within a tertiary health service.
Tips – Use your mouse/arrow keys to look around the room.
You can also zoom in and out using the scroll function on your mouse.
Virtual Hospital Tour
Virtual Business Administration Experience
Virtual Nursing Experience
Virtual Occupational Therapist Experience
There’s more to health than doctors and nurses.
Here are some rewarding career pathways that you can consider while at school, across both clinical and non-clinical roles in the health system. These also form stepping stones to further education and employment!
Career Snapshot Resources:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care

Allied Health Assistance

Community Pharmacy and Optical Dispensing

Dental Assisting and Dentistry

Health Administration

Health Support Services

Nursing and Midwifery

Pathology Assistance and Pathology Collection

Personal Care and Individual Support
Student Work Experience and Traineeship Expression of Interest form
The Health Gateway program is excited to announce the development of a new Expression of Interest (EOI) form for students interested in undertaking work experience or a traineeship with any of our industry partners. This form has been created to simplify the process for students and schools interested in participating in the program.
The EOI form is easy to complete and provides all of the necessary information required for the team to connect students with industry partners. The form includes information about the student’s studies, interests, and preferred work experience or traineeship opportunities.
The Health Gateway team will then use this information to identify suitable industry partners and connect students with opportunities that match their interests and skillsets. This process ensures that students have the best possible chance of securing work experience or a traineeship that aligns with their career aspirations.
The EOI form is available below and can be completed by students online. We encourage all students interested in gaining practical experience in the healthcare sector to complete the form and take advantage of this valuable opportunity.
Download the Expression of Interest Form here.