
Presentation on CYO delivered to students of Upper Coomera SC

Group of people sitting on stage about to present to students of Upper Coomera SC

Friday 23 October 2020 –   Year 9 & 10 students of Upper Coomera State College participated in Speed Careering, the aim of which is to broaden students’ knowledge of different careers.
This year careers included nursing, RAAF, Army, Fire Fighting, Apprenticeship/Traineeship Information, Careers in Health and Stunts for film and TV.
Students asked our guests a series of questions including information about their roles, their day to day responsibilities and the most rewarding and challenging aspects of their jobs as well as training required. Students also had the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the program.
CheckUP alsoi delivered a presentation demonstrating the CYO Health Career resource, its usage and application in making an informed career decision.